Aspire Digitel Group Content Content Maintenance Statement


How frequently is Aspire Digitel Group learning content updated?
How do Aspire Digitel Group ensure their content is accurate and up to date?


The Aspire Digitel Group Content Team have a robust process to ensure our content (digital learning, policies, precedents, and procedures) is well maintained and fit for purpose. This includes:

  • Topic coverage – we regularly review topic coverage in each library with our internal and external subject matter experts. We also consider client suggestions and feedback when setting our content topic roadmap.
  • Horizon scanning and compliance – we work with our subject matter experts to anticipate upcoming legislation and regulation changes and consider how this will impact our titles. We schedule updates in our roadmap and release these in a timely manner.
  • Best practice in design – our team stay up-to-date with the latest learning and content design best practice. All new titles adhere to the latest pedagogical and digital design standards.
  • Quality assurance – every new and evolved title goes through a robust quality assurance process including SME and peer review before release. This ensures it is fit for purpose, adheres to best practice, and functions as expected.

Although we take every care to ensure that our content is fit for purpose, you must review all content for appropriateness within your actual operations and understanding of current legislation and regulations. By using our content (and any subsequent updates, revisions and amendments) you accept responsibility for implementation, usage, and consequences of usage.